Francesco D’Errico Quartet
Emanuele Melisurgo: saxophones
Francesco D’Errico. piano
Daniele Esposito: double bass
Ettore Fioravanti: percussions
The new version of F.D'Errico's quartet was born upon a request by Nick La Rocca Jazz festival which often invites artists to involve guests. Ettore Fioravanti was chosen because his music is appreciated and he is a friends, but also as a consequence of this quartet's vocation for colour and for the use of percussions. D'Errico's act of composition has always taken particular care of the aspects of rythmic/dynamic colour and of how it determines, from time to time, the pieces' temperature. The quartet plays mainly original compositions, both published and unpublished, composed by D'Errico himself.
For a concert by the quartet the following is needed (unless agreed otherwise):
Grand piano
one amplifier for bass
One professional jazz set of drums
4 monitors with separate lines
3 music stands
sound and lighting systems suitable for the venue